Opportunities of e-health

The importance of e-health has increased greatly, especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic. Patients can now receive parts of their treatment remotely, i.e., without having to present themselves to the doctor in person. This development is accompanied by many opportunities that can positively impact the monitoring of one’s health.

e-health offers:

  1. Improved patient monitoring

Communication is easier with this new digital channel, helping to bridge the gap between doctors and patients. Technology also means the patient’s condition can be monitored, and their progress can be recorded in real-time.

  1. More informed patients

As patients, we can make better health decisions when we understand them and have the power to manage our own health. ICTs also provide access to guidebooks and best practices, which are very useful, for instance, during the pandemic if they come from reliable sources.

  1. Encouraging healthier habits

New technologies are changing the way we look after ourselves with apps and devices that track what we eat, how much exercise we do, how long or soundly we sleep and how fast our heart rate is.

  1. Easier decision-making for healthcare staff

e-Health also transforms how professionals deal with diseases. ICTs can help, for instance, to identify optimal treatments more easily or detect illnesses at an early stage.

  1. More accessible and equal healthcare

Access to healthcare is no longer limited by time and space, which means avoiding unnecessary travel. Moreover, technology brings healthcare to more people, especially patients at risk of exclusion, which means equal opportunities for everyone.

  1. More efficient hospitals and health clinics

Connected facilities mean a streamlined health system, minimising the chance of human error and cutting costs.