Decree-Law on the Responsible Industry Regime
Also known as the Zero Licensing for industry, the Decree-Law no. 169/2012, which was approved in August 2012, regulates the practice of industrial activity. This Decree-Law was revoked by Decree-Law no. 73/2015, in May 2015. Government Website
Decree-Law on the Zero Licensing
Decree-Law no. 48/2011 and Decree-Law nº10/2015. The Portuguese Zero Licensing programme is one of the most representative initiatives of the e-government agenda. Its main objective is to considerably simplify the licensing procedures necessary to carry out several economic activities by reducing red tape through an electronic point of single contact. One of the first objectives […]
Decree-Law on Administrative Modernisation
The Decree-Law no. 135/ 99, reviewed by the Decree-Law no. 73/2014, approved in May 2014, established important administrative modernisation measures, including the ‘once only’ principle, according to which the citizen must not be obliged to give the Public Administration the same document twice. The ‘once only’ principle leads to several standards, particularly relating to administrative […]
Decree-Law on Digital Services
The Decree-Law 74/2014, of 13 May, revised by Decree-Law no. 105/2017 of 29 August, established the rule of digital provision of public services by default. It enshrined assisted digital attendance as an indispensable complement via a Citizen Spot network, where those who cannot, will not, or do not know how to use digital tools, can […]
TIC APP – Centre for Digital Competences of the Public Administration
The Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 22/2018, established the TicAPP or Public Administration Digital Competencies Centre as a specialised competence centre in the field of digital transformation of the Public Administration. It operates within the Administrative Modernisation Agency to support different government areas in the process of digital transformation. Government Website
Unique digital address and public service of electronic notification
Decree-Law no. 93/2017, of 1 August, which created the unique digital address, established the public service of electronic notifications associated to the unique digital address. It regulated the sending and receiving of electronic notifications through the public service of electronic notifications associated with the digital single address, as a special regime Government Website
Digital transition Decree Law 22/2021
Chapter IV refers to the provisions on digital transition, in order to promote, direct, and coordinate the Government’s action in the areas of technological innovation, the implementation of the Italian and European digital agenda, the Italian strategy for ultra-broadband, the digitalisation of public administrations and enterprises, as well as the digital transformation, growth and transition […]
Digital Administration Code (D. lgs. 217/17)
The Digital Administration Code (CAD) contains the guidelines for the digital revolution of the PA. The CAD is a single text that brings together and organises the regulations concerning the computerisation of the Public Administration in its relations with citizens and businesses. Established by Legislative Decree No. 82 of 7 March 2005, it was subsequently […]
Decree on Digital Simplification and Innovation (DL n. 76/2020)
Title III of the Decree Law on simplification measures for the support and dissemination of digital administration – which becomes operative with the adoption of Law No. 120/2020 – contains the regulatory provisions for speeding up the country’s digital transformation process. Thus, the set of regulations aimed at redesigning digital governance, accelerating the process of […]
2019-2021 Fourth Open Government Partnership Action Plan
The action plan is comprehensive strategy that will help achieve significant results in the field of transparency, civic participation, anti-corruption, simplification and public sector modernization. It includes 10 main actions related to: Open data; Transparency; Register of beneficial owners; Support to participation; Regulation of stakeholder; Culture of open government; Corruption prevention; Simplification, performance and equal […]