Independent Authority of Public Revenue (AADE)

Area of e-government: e-bill/e-payment “Aade” is the Independent Authority of Public Revenues. Its main goal is the gathering of public revenues (payments). Its activities and practices are supervised by the Greek Parliament. The users can take care of any financial obligations towards the state, including taxes and tax declaration, bills, road and registration taxes, or […]
Open e-Class

Area of e-government:e-education The Open e-Class platform is a comprehensive ‘Course Management System’, used to store and provide educational content and materials. Offered by the Greek Academic Network (GUnet), it supports and offers on-line learning services. ‘Open e-Class’ provides teachers with the opportunity to develop and organise on-line courses and educational material such as texts, […]
“Digital Government”

“Digital Government” (Integration of the Directive EU 2016/2102 into the Greek Legislation) – Electronic Communication (Integration of the Directive EU 2018/1972 into the Greek Justice Legislation)” 4727/2020 The law 4727/2020 constitutes a homogenised regulation regarding all the matters related to e-government services, and especially those connected to the utilisation of Technologies of Computer Systems and […]
Aade (Independent Authority of Public Revenue)

“Aade” is the Independent Authority of Public Revenues. Its main goal is the gathering of public revenues (payments). Its activities and practices are supervised by the Greek Parliament. The users can take care of any financial obligations towards the state, including taxes and tax declaration, bills, road and registration taxes, or fines, among others. The […]
e-EFKA (National Social Insurance Agency)

“e-EFKA” is the main agency of social insurance in Greece. Its core consists of all the insurance related public services, that use to exist in Greece, until the 1st of January 2017. Users can access the portal and interact with all the available digital services regarding their social insurance. Government Website

“” is the main portal in Greece, through which users are able to access, and interact with, the digital public services they are interested in. It launched in 2020 and currently hosts more than 1.390 digital public services. Government Website