Competenze Digitali per la PA

The initiative intends to offer tailored training in the form of online learning in fundamental digital skills to public officials (non-IT professionals) starting with an organised and uniform survey of training requirements in order to boost engagement and motivation, performance, distribution, and quality of straightforward and quick online services for residents and enterprises. Government Website
Formez PA

Formez PA – Centre for Services, Assistance, Studies and Training for the Modernisation of Public Administration is an association recognised and financed by the Italian government. The promotion of innovation and digitalisation is among the areas of intervention of the projects managed by Formez PA. Government Website
Educazione digitale

Educazione Digitale is a training platform, exclusively dedicated to teachers, school managers and educators working in the school environment, which aims to provide free multimedia materials and resources for schools. The Platform is a place for training, guidance, mentoring, comparison, support and extension of one’s skills, in the perspective of a school based on learning […]
Pane e Internet

Pane e Internet is a project supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region as part of the Regional Digital Agenda to promote the development of digital skills and full access to the information society. The “digital citizen” is the central idea of the new regional planning, which refers to any citizen, regardless of age, who uses technology […]
#SportinMontagna and the Sporty App

Area of e-government: e-leisure The Lombardy Region has created two digital tools for the valorisation and promotion of mountain sport: the #SportinMontagna website and the Sporty App. Browsing the portal www.sportinmontagna.regione. you will be able to: discover all the infrastructures and services for sports tourism in both summer and winter find out about the ski […]
Open Innovation Lombardia

Area of e-government: e-government literacy/services Open Innovation Lombardia is a collaborative platform and website with the aim of proposing a new policy model for regional innovation. Open Innovation is addressed to all actors of innovation processes in enterprises, universities and research centres, public administrations, civil society and all citizens who want to play an active […]

Area of e-government: e-government literacy/services “Procedimenti” is the new integrated information system of the Lombardy Region for the telematic management of administrative, authorisation and licensing procedures in various sectors. The system allows citizens and businesses to manage online procedures more easily and quickly, even from mobile devices. The new platform makes it possible to manage […]
Digitale Comune

Area of e-government: e-government literacy/services Digitale Comune is the Emilia-Romagna Region project dedicated to the digital transformation of the online services of the municipalities of the entire regional territory. The objective is to accompany Administrations in the innovation process and support citizens with dedicated information and training, so that digital is really a common good […]
Dove Fare Sport

Area of e-government: e-leisure Where to Do Sport is a platform developed by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) and available for the regions of Calabria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Molise, Tuscany and the Municipality of Rome that allows you to find sports centres nearby. Government Website
Salute Lazio

Area of e-government: e-health The website Salute Lazio offers several digival services. First of all, it generates the Electronic Health Record (Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico – FSE) which collects the medical history of an individual by making available the information and documents produced by the National Health System from doctors and health professionals, including from different […]