ePortugal portal
Area of e-government: e-government literacy/services

The ePortugal portal, launched in February 2019, is the main channel for accessing digital services of the public administration, adding in the same place all the services dedicated to citizens and companies and a directory of addresses, websites and mobile applications. The ePortugal portal is dynamic and adaptable for individual users, offering several customisation options and a reserved area that allows them to access different information regarding their relationship with the Public Administration.
Likewise, the portal was developed with a focus on accessibility and usability, adapting to any type of device and presenting a simpler and clearer language. It also facilitates the interaction between citizens/companies and the State, providing innovative support mechanisms such as the chatbot SIGMA or the possibility of taking digital queue tickets for onsite public services through the Citizen Map. The Citizen Map, which provides geo-location and information for all Portuguese public services, is another relevant feature, available at mapa.eportugal.gov.pt (a standalone app will soon be launched)