Area of e-government: e-government literacy/services

“Procedimenti” is the new integrated information system of the Lombardy Region for the telematic management of administrative, authorisation and licensing procedures in various sectors.
The system allows citizens and businesses to manage online procedures more easily and quickly, even from mobile devices.
The new platform makes it possible to manage 34 different procedures in the following areas:
- Environment (e.g. the submission of applications for environmental authorisations)
- Building (e.g. the submission of applications for authorisation, elevation or seismic filing)
- Energy (e.g. Energy-related authorisations for installations such as renewable energy sources, geothermal probes)
- Trade (e.g. The issuing of Trading Cards for hawkers and the inclusion of applications for Festivals and Fairs in the Lombardy Region calendar)
- Productive Activities and Services
- Mobility (e.g. the submission of airport Certified Declaration of Start of Activity)
In order to enter requests and transmit them (dossiers, notifications, filings, applications, etc.) it is necessary to have an email box, pec box and digital signature.